FIND FOOD Close up of a variety of locally grown vegetables including garlic, onions, cabbage and squash


How do I sign up for Meals on Wheels?

Visit Aitkin County CARE’s website for information or to register call 218-749-2912 or 1-800-662-5711 ext 7323 (toll-free)

Apply now at

Community Food Support: Your Resource Hub

Local Food Shelves

Community Food Shelf at First Lutheran

Surrounding Area Food Shelves

Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Food Shelf

County Wide Services

Aitkin County Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC)

Grocery & Convenience Stores

Paulbeck's County Market

Community Gardens

Hill City Community Garden

Just For Seniors

AEOA Meals delivered by Angels of McGregor

Aitkin County Meat Markets—Meat Processing and Butcher Shops

Double D's Custom Process and Meat Retail

Surrounding County Meat Markets—Meat Processing and Butcher Shops

Emily Meats / Jones Taxidermy and Wild Game Processing

Farmers' Market

Aitkin Farmers Market

Community Meals

Aitkin First Lutheran First Lutheran Church Loaves & Fishes Dinner (Grab - and - go meals)

Riverwood Healthcare Center

Food Rx

Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry

Second Harvest Northland (Palisade, Aitkin County)

Pop Up Food Distributors

Second Harvest Northland